Kirishima Kurozu, Black Vinegar Production, Kagoshima Prefecture. ©

Kirishima Kurozu (Black Vinegar)

Kirishima is a smaller city of around 125.000 inhabitants, located in Kagoshima Prefecture in Kyushu. Apart from being located in a true adventure land, between sea and volcanoes, it is especially praised for it’s many food specialties, including shochu and green tea. The most unusual and defining specialty of Kirishima however, is their black vinegar. …

Okonomi-mura, Hiroshima. ©

Okonomi-mura Hiroshima

Okonomi-mura in Hiroshima is an Okonomiyaki restaurant complex – sometimes called a theme park. Okonomiyaki is Hiroshimas savory signature food, and at Okonomi-mura hungry visitors can choose between 24 different Okonomiyaki restaurants spread on 3 different floors. In what appears as a regular building in central Hiroshima, a true heaven for Okonomiyaki lovers is hidden. …